omni man is not bad
in Most states across India out
slaughtering is illegal and if caught
you'll find yourself with a one to ten
year sentence and in Indonesia the women
of the Danny tribe deal with the loss of
a loved one by having the top journey of
their finger amputated symbolizing the
pain suffered after their loss some of
you might look at these traditions and
think what the but to them it's a way of
life you're not doing anything strange
they're just living by the Traditions
brought down through religion and
knowledge from their ancestors and
that's exactly what Nolan's been doing
from a human perspective what he's done
is absolutely criminal but he's an alien
Who belongs to the Warrior Race that
conquered planets for a living believing
that their world brings salvation he was
sent to Earth to weaken their forces but
he wasn't going to go through with it
until much later he wanted Mark and
Debbie to die peacefully before he
started but when Mark manifested his
powers he had to move up the timetable
he actually cared for these people but
he chose to put his bill to my beliefs
first when he's fighting mark saying
that humans are worthless Debbie's a pet
that they're the equivalent of ants he's
not telling this no more he's saying it
to himself Nolan's not a bad person he
just a bad Village to my